Ramping Up

I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone that has supported the shop, either through the website, through social media, or via the pop-up shop we did last weekend at Back Forty Brewing Company.  The outpouring of support has been overwhelming and greatly appreciated!  Please continue to follow, like, share, and order.  Tell a friend and tell them to tell a friend so we can put City Candle Co. on the map.

As I discussed in the first blog post, I'll use this space to update the City Candle Co. community on whats on my mind at the moment and everything I'm thinking about.  Since the shop is really ramping up, this week's post feels appropriately titled.  Enjoy!

What I'm reading - Billy Napier’s whirlwind first 24 hours as Gators coach: staffing moves, evaluating prospects, recruiting trip on The Athletic (by G. Allan Taylor).  As some of you may know, I'm a massive college football fan and earnestly root for the currently downtrodden Florida Gators.  I'm pretty pleased with the Billy Napier hire and am very optimistic that he can get the Gators back on top in due time.  For anyone who is a big sports fan, The Athletic is a must.  I've been a subscriber for 2 years and will continue to subscribe for the foreseeable future.  The journalism is outstanding and coverage unrivaled.  For you or anyone else in your life, a subscription would make a great Christmas gift.  Here is a link to a free 30-day trial.  Give it a shot and see for yourself.

What I'm watching - MTV's The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies.  Confession: I'm a Challenge junkie and am not ashamed.  My wife and I have been watching this woeful, thoroughly rubbish television for the last 15 years and I'll continue to do so until they take it off the air.  

What I'm burningBûche de Noël.  This candle is our exclusive December small batch and we're almost sold out!  As of writing this, we currently only have 2 Large (13oz) and 1 Wax Melt left.  The success has been incredible but its easy to see why.  This unique scent is filled with rich, sweet flavors that go great with holiday baking.  Head to the product page to get yours now before they are all gone!

What I'm listening to - Faustina by John R. Miller.  I've been on a real alt-country, specifically Appalachian, music kick lately.  John R. Miller is so, so good.  This track is especially great, exploring the lonely and sometimes bleak outlook for a musician on the road.  Highly recommend. 

What I'm thinking about - Mozzarella sticks should be on every fast food menu in America.  Seriously.  Think about it - there's nothing more American than fried cheese and fast food.  Its the perfect union for our imperfect Union.  Arby's and Sonic are really the only two players in the game.  DQ does a fried cheese curd. Captain D's (shoutout TJ Boley) does a sneaky decent, although slightly unorthodox mozz stick.  Outside of that, no one else is doing them.  There's a massive market out there for fried cheese.  Micky D's, BK Lounge, and Wendy's are asleep at the wheel.  Its time to wake up, America.

I hope everyone has had a great December thus far.  We're roughly one third of the way through it but there's still plenty of time to stock up on Christmas gifts at our shop!  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at burncitycandles@gmail.com, or via any of our social media channels.  Also, for any local Birmingham folks, we offer local pickup in Crestwood so we can meet all of your candle needs right up to and through the holidays.  Hit us up!


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